Synopsis: Two days ago, there were reports of a shooting star and a loud thunderous noise from the woods. The following day, there were sightings of unusual creatures appearing. Hideous monstrosities, gigantic animals, creatures with abilities unlike what they normally possess. The townspeople are convinced that the gods have sent these beings down to punish them. Though some people muse that the shooting star has actually brought something of great power to be exploited.
Background: A meteorite crashed in the forest two days ago. Approximately 8 feet in diameter and weighing well over 40 tons, the meteor gives off energy with unusual properties. If any living thing touches the meteor, it must make a saving throw vs. magic or be affected. The meteor can only affect a living thing once. The half-life of the meteor is short. After 1d4 days, it will be rendered completely inert. The effects of the meteor cannot be reversed by any means short of a wish.
Meteor Effects (Roll 1d30)
1- Take 4d6 damage
2- Energy drain as if struck by a wight
3- Lose one (1) point of Strength permanently
4- Lose one (1) point of Intelligence permanently
5- Lose one (1) point of Wisdom permanently
6- Lose one (1) point of Dexterity permanently
7- Lose one (1) point of Constitution permanently
8- Lose one (1) point of Charisma permanently
9- Increase in size by two (2) categories
10- Increase in size by one (1) categories
11- Decrease in size by one (1) categories
12- Decrease in size by two (2) categories
13- Grow one (1) extra pair of limbs (Grants one extra melee attack per round)
14- Skin turn grey and stone-like. AC improves by two, Charisma decreases by two.
15- Skin turns translucent and slimy. AC and Charisma worsens by two.
16- Arms/forelegs transform into wings allowing flight at 50'/round. Can no longer hold objects. (Creatures that already possess wings gain double flight speed due to extra pair of wings.)
17- Grows fangs that deal 1d4 damage. Creatures with fangs gain +3 to bite damage.
18- Gain one (1) point of Strength permanently
19- Gain one (1) point of Intelligence permanently
20- Gain one (1) point of Wisdom permanently
21- Gain one (1) point of Dexterity permanently
22- Gain one (1) point of Constitution permanently
23- Gain one (1) point of Charisma permanently
24- Completely healed off all injuries as if affected by a cureall/heal spell.
25- Gain the spell-like ability to use ESP once a day.
26- Gain the spell-like ability to use detect magic once a day.
27- Gain the spell-like ability to use water breathing once a day.
28- Gain infravision. If already possessing infravision, double the normal range.
29- Gain immunity to ghoul paralysis as if an elf. If an elf, roll again on this table for effect.
30- Gain the ability to speak one (1) new language regardless of intelligence. This language is free and does not count towards any language limits.
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